Sunday 7 February 2016

4 days - $218.22 richer with Traffic Monsoon

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That's right. 2 more days have passed since my initial post, and my earnings have increased by a little more than double, $6 and change more, to be precise, which is pretty much in line with expectations, as you can see in the screenshot below.

We're looking at the total earnings so far, not the account balance, because I have bought new adpacks as soon as I have reached the $50 account balance each time, since that's what you need to do to keep the compound earnings increasing, and they are!

In fact I'm slightly ahead of the predicted total so far, I'm earning 10-15 cents an hour more than I would if it was actually $1 per hour per adpack. This is a nice bonus of course. What's causing this? It's hard to say, the exact mechanics and algorithms of the system aren't exactly obvious, but I suspect tit's due to me doing many more banner clicks, than the minimum of ten that are required, I did well over a hundred yesterday, and over 50 so far today. it's no hardship, like I said in my original post, I just do them while watching TV or YouTube videos or whatever, it's simple.

If you would like to try it for yourself, then click the banner at the top of this page - that is my referral link, and you can join my team. I will continue to update this blog at least once a week, hopefully more, to show my progress, which is available to you too. It's free to join, and there is absolutely no obligation to buy.

Be sure to take note of my introductory offer too:

I am so certain that you will enjoy using, and making money from this opportunity, I will refund my entire commission for your first purchase of adpacks on the site. I am that confident that you will want to buy more. Whether that is $5 of $5000 I will refund 100% of my commission payment for your first adpack purchase, so you get them even cheaper, and make more profits! Click the banner at the top of the page to join my team.

So what are my aims with this system?

It would be nice to eventually reach a regular income, obviously there's no point investing this time and money if all I'm ever going to do is increase my adpack ownership. But if you startt taking money out instead of re-investing it, particularly early on, your stock of adpacks will gradually dwindle.

I have read about a 91% / 9% system that will keep your income at a constant level for as long as the adpacks are earning $1 each per day. Essentially you reinvest 91% of the income, taking 9% for yourself. You have a regular income, which is there for you long term.

However, i think it would be better for you to take 5-8% of the earnings. That way you can provide yourself with a steady income, but your holdings of adpacks, and therefore your income, will still increase, although at a reduced rate.

For now, since I can see that the system is most definitely working, I will likely buy more adpacks with the money have...make hay while the sun shines and all that, especially since the more you have to invest the faster your earnings will grow.

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates!

Remember to click the banner at the top of the page to join my Traffic |Monsoon team! 

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